Giving Kosovo’s youth a viable future beyond the scars of the past

‘Yours truly’ was present on the 5th March 2012 at the conference ‘Sustainable Kosovo’ organized by ThinkYoung (a Brussels-based advocacy NGO for young people), in collaboration with the European Stability Initiative and the Robert Bosch Foundation. Four noteworthy speakers shared their views and analysis with the audience: Mrs. Ulrike Lunacek MEP, Mrs. Doris Pack MEP, Kosovo’s Ambassador to Belgium Illir Dugolli and the General-Secretary of ESI, Mrs Alexandra Stiglmayer. (more…)

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Dreams of a fEUture @ Berlin!

From 15 to 18 March the annual international seminar in Berlin took place. Since the European crises is still not resolved, JEFfers from all over Europe  took a look into the European future to propose a federalist vision for our European house. From JEF Belgium Sarah Dejaegher and Mathias Maertens were present to enjoy the journey with JEF Airlines to the year 2050. Take a look at some ideas for the future in the video below:

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