
JEF Belgium will contribute to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) through concrete and local actions. In the framework of the Next Chapter Europe project led by JEF Europe and AEGEE, we will organise citizens’ consultations in September 2021. One of them should take place in Mons, the second one in Flanders.

If you can’t wait until then, JEF Belgium and its local sections will be on the streets of Brussels and Liège towards the end of June to collect citizens’ opinions on the future of Europe and transmit these opinions to the Conference. Interested? More information? Contact us at

But what exactly is CoFoE??

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a citizen-led series of debates and discussions that will enable people from across Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common future. The Conference is the first of its kind: as a major pan-European democratic exercise, it offers a new public forum for an open, inclusive, and transparent debate with citizens around a number of key priorities and challenges.

With this platform, the CoFoE gives the chance to any european citizen to express themselves. Anyone can share their ideas or organize events on several topics involving european citizens, such as the european democracy, the values and rights in the EU or climate change and the environment.

The Young European Federalists intend to have their say during this Conference, especially via the platform where JEF Europe has already submitted federalist proposals to make the European Union more united, more democratic and more efficient. Check out the link below for more information about the Conference and the list of JEF’s proposals which you are invited to share, discuss and endorse! Indeed, the most popular proposals will be more likely to be discussed during the Conference itself! The future of Europe is for us young people to decide so speak up!

– Cedric Capette, Policy Officer –

JEF Brussels in La Libre Belgique

Members of JEF Brussels recently contibuted to the public debates by publishing two op-eds in La Libre Belgique (FRENCH).

La résistance aux antimicrobiens pourrait provoquer la prochaine crise sanitaire mondiale

– Federico Vittorio Pisani, 18-11-20

“Chaque année, au moins 700 000 personnes perdent la vie dans le monde à cause d’infections qui se sont adaptées aux antibiotiques, développant une résistance aux médicaments antimicrobiens qui les rend inefficaces. La résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM) est une préoccupation sanitaire mondiale croissante, car les estimations actuelles pour l’avenir sont particulièrement sombres.”

Où devrait s’installer le Parlement européen : à Bruxelles ou à Strasbourg ? Faites vos jeux

– Colin Deneufbourg, 08-12-20

“Hors période de Covid-19, le déplacement des eurodéputés et employés du Parlement pour une semaine par mois engendre un coût non négligeable. Selon une étude de 2013, ce déplacement coûterait pas moins de 103 millions d’euros. Ce coût, qui ne représente que 6% du budget total du Parlement, disparaîtrait complètement en cas de siège unique.”